Introduction to Software Development
Welcome to the Java FSD(English)
What is Full stack development (English)
Welcome to the JavaFSD (Hindi)
What is Full stack development (Hindi)
Fundamentals of Programming Languages
Fundamentals of Programming Languages (English)
Fundamentals of Programming Languages (Hindi)
Git and Github
Git and Github Part 1 (Hindi)
Git and Github part 2 (Hindi)
General command on Git Notes
Fundamentals of Java - 1
Java Basics and Setup Overview (English)
Java Basics and Setup Overview (Hindi)
Fundamentals of Java - 2
Java Fundamentals: Syntax and Control Flow Part 1 (English)
Java Fundamentals: Syntax and Control Flow Part - 2 (English)
Java Fundamentals: Syntax and Control Flow Part 1 (Hindi)
Java Fundamentals: Syntax and Control Flow Part 2 (Hindi)
Fundamentals of Java - 3
Understanding Methods and Control Flow in Java (English)
Understanding Methods and Control Flow in Java (Hindi)
Fundamentals of Java - 4
Method Overloading and Compile-Time Polymorphism (English)
Method Overloading and Compile-Time Polymorphism (Hindi)
Fundamentals of Java - 5
Working with System Class and IO Streams in Java (English)
Working with System Class and IO Streams in Java (Hindi)
Fundamentals of Java - 6
Introduction to Object-Oriented Principles and Creating Classes Objects (English)
Introduction to Object-Oriented Principles and Creating Classes Objects (Hindi)
Java Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
JVM Memory Areas Static Members (English)
JVM Memory Areas Static Members (Hindi)
JVM Memory Areas Static Members Notes
Instance Variables and Local, Variables Static Vs Instance Members (English)
Instance Variables and Local, Variables Static Vs Instance Members (Hindi)
Instance Variables and Local, Variables Static Vs Instance Members (Notes)
Constructors, this() method Static Block Non-Static Block & Order of Execution(English)
Constructors, this() method Static Block Non-Static Block & Order of Execution (Hindi)
Constructors, this() method Static Block Non-Static Block & Order of Execution (Notes)
Arrays (1D,2D,3D) and Encapsulation and This keyword (English)
Arrays (1D,2D,3D) and Encapsulation and This keyword (Hindi)
Arrays (1D,2D,3D) and Encapsulation and This keyword (Notes)
Inheritance, Relationship, Constructor (English)
Inheritance, Relationship, Constructor (Hindi)
Inheritance, Relationship, Constructor (Notes)
Packages, Access, Final, Overriding, Polymorphism (English)
Packages, Access, Final, Overriding, Polymorphism (Hindi)
Packages, Access, Final, Overriding, Polymorphism (Notes)
Interfaces, Strings, Handling Exceptions in Java
Abstraction & Interface (English)
Abstraction & Interface (Hindi)
Abstraction & Interface (Notes)
Implementing Interface and abstraction (English)
Implementing Interface and abstraction (Hindi)
Implementing Interface and abstraction (Notes)
Working with String Object (English)
Working with String Object (Hindi)
Working with String Object (Notes)
Handling Exceptions in Java - I (English)
Handling Exceptions in Java - I (Hindi)
Handling Exceptions in Java - I (Notes)
Handling Exceptions in Java - II (English)
Handling Exceptions in Java - II (Hindi)
Handling Exceptions in Java - II (Notes)
Handling Exceptions in Java - III (English)
Handling Exceptions in Java - III (Hindi)
Handling Exceptions in Java - III (Notes)
Multithreading in Java
Introduction to Concurrency and Threading (English)
Introduction to Concurrency and Threading (Hindi)
Introduction to Concurrency and Threading (Notes)
Thread Management: Runnable Interface and Control Methods (English)
Thread Management: Runnable Interface and Control Methods (Hindi)
Thread Management: Runnable Interface and Control Methods (Notes)
Thread Addressing and Synchronization Techniques (English)
Thread Addressing and Synchronization Techniques (Hindi)
Thread Addressing and Synchronization Techniques (Notes)
Advanced Locking and Synchronization in Concurrency (English)
Advanced Locking and Synchronization in Concurrency (Hindi)
Advanced Locking and Synchronization in Concurrency (Notes)
Concurrency in Java: Thread Pools, Executors, Callable & Future (English)
Concurrency in Java: Thread Pools, Executors, Callable & Future (Hindi)
Concurrency in Java: Thread Pools, Executors, Callable & Future (Notes)
Deadlock Scenarios & Daemon Threads (English)
Deadlock Scenarios & Daemon Threads (Hindi)
Deadlock Scenarios & Daemon Threads (Notes)
Wrapper Classes & Generics
Wrapper Classes & Generics (English)
Wrapper Classes & Generics (Hindi)
Wrapper Classes & Generics (Notes)
Collections Framework/API
Collection Framework: Overview, interfaces, hierarchy, List, Set, and key classes (English)
Collection Framework: Overview, interfaces, hierarchy, List, Set, and key classes (Hindi)
Collection Framework: Overview, interfaces, hierarchy, List, Set, and key classes (Notes)
Queue, iterators, and concurrent modification: Fail-Fast vs. Fail-Safe (English)
Queue, iterators, and concurrent modification: Fail-Fast vs. Fail-Safe (Hindi)
Queue, iterators, and concurrent modification: Fail-Fast vs. Fail-Safe (Notes)
MAP & Properties Class (English)
MAP & Properties Class (Hindi)
MAP & Properties Class (Notes)
Working with Utility Class (Arrays & Collections) (English)
Working with Utility Class (Arrays & Collections) (Hindi)
Working with Utility Class (Arrays & Collections) (Notes)
Serialization, Cloning, and Garbage Collection in Java (English)
Serialization, Cloning, and Garbage Collection in Java (Hindi)
Serialization, Cloning, and Garbage Collection in Java (Notes)
ENUM Overview, Advantages, Definition (English)
ENUM Overview, Advantages, Definition (Hindi)
ENUM Overview, Advantages, Definition (Notes)
ENUM Methods, Advanced Usage, Custom Behavior, Switch Usage, Fields & Constructors (English)
ENUM Methods, Advanced Usage, Custom Behavior, Switch Usage, Fields & Constructors (Hindi)
ENUM Methods, Advanced Usage, Custom Behavior, Switch Usage, Fields & Constructors (Notes)
Annotation Overview, Advantages, Built-in Introduction (English)
Annotation Overview, Advantages, Built-in Introduction (Hindi)
Annotation Overview, Advantages, Built-in Introduction (Notes)
Creating Annotations, Custom Annotation Usage, Reflection Usage (English)
Creating Annotations, Custom Annotation Usage, Reflection Usage (Hindi)
Creating Annotations, Custom Annotation Usage, Reflection Usage (Notes)
IO Operations / File Handeling
File Handling, File Class, FileWriter & FileReader (English)
File Handling, File Class, FileWriter & FileReader (Hindi)
File Handling, File Class, FileWriter & FileReader (Notes)
Buffered Reader/Writer, Print Stream/Writer, IO Streams (English)
Buffered Reader/Writer, Print Stream/Writer, IO Streams (Hindi)
Buffered Reader/Writer, Print Stream/Writer, IO Streams (Notes)
Java 8 Feature (Streams API's, Method Referances)
Date & Time API (English)
Functional Interfaces, Lambda Expressions, and Anonymous Inner Classes (English)
Functional Interfaces, Lambda Expressions, and Anonymous Inner Classes (Hindi)
Functional Interfaces, Lambda Expressions, and Anonymous Inner Classes (Notes)
Key Functional Interfaces and Custom Interfaces with Lambdas (English)
Key Functional Interfaces and Custom Interfaces with Lambdas (Hindi)
Key Functional Interfaces and Custom Interfaces with Lambdas (Notes)
Streams, Operations, Types, and Use Cases with Stream API (English)
Streams, Operations, Types, and Use Cases with Stream API (Hindi)
Streams, Operations, Types, and Use Cases with Stream API (Notes)
Creating Streams, Intermediate, and Terminal Operations (English)
Creating Streams, Intermediate, and Terminal Operations (Hindi)
Creating Streams, Intermediate, and Terminal Operations (Notes)
Creating Method Referances & Constructor Referencing (English)
Creating Method Referances & Constructor Referencing (Hindi)
Creating Method Referances & Constructor Referencing (Notes)
Java Database Connectivity
Hibernate and JPA specifications
Spring Core
Spring Boot
SpringBoot Data JPA
SpringBoot MVC
Integration of Front-End, Back-End, and Database
Spring REST
SpringBoot AOP
Spring Security
Realtime tools
Getting Started with HTML
Media and Forms
Modern HTML
Starting with CSS
Positions in CSS
Flexbox and Grid in CSS Grid
Media Query
Advanced CSS
Tailwind CSS
Introduction to JS
Operators in JS
Type Conversion
Conditionals & Loops
Functions in Javascript
Javascript Fundamentals
Array & Object
Advanced Javascript
Class in Javascript
Error handling in Javascript
Async JS, Browser API & Window
Javascript DOM
Walkthrough with React
Deep dive into React
Understanding States and Hools
More about React
Component Styling
React Router
Form Handling and API Calls
State management in React
Testing React App
React Build and Deploy
Capstone Project & Deployment